As an alum, you can play an important role in helping connect jobs in your organization with our student and alumni job seekers in this difficult job market. From internships to positions for experienced professionals, we want to chat with you to connect your organization’s needs with our talented community of student and alumni professionals. Please fill out the form below if you are interested in hiring DU talent for more information and thank you for your support of the DU community!
Need Career Support?
If you have experienced job loss, or are seeking a career transition, the University of Denver is here to help! Our Alumni Career & Professional Development Team offers numerous programs to support you including quick question coaching hours, resume reviews, job clubs, and numerous events to help you reach your goals. Learn more here.
Share Career Advice
Are you an experienced professional who can help a current student or fellow alum successfully navigate your industry? Register as a mentor in the DU Career Network and make yourself available for resume reviews, job search advice, career tips and more! Click here to learn more and register.